but look....it worked!
we are so excited that she is moving close (about 1/2 an hour away) because when california was just a dream for us she would always tell us "if you move to california, i'll move to arizona, because i love the southwest" and jason and i said "what for lady? to still be a plane ride away? that's crazy? you may as well stay on the east coast if your not gonna go all the way!" i guess she heard us - oh, and being close to her grandson is probably more motivation to live close than anything else....
here's cashel giving her an unsolicited kiss....i don't think jason's too happy about this (the unsolicited kiss i mean)...we're super happy she's moving... :-)
it will be so nice for you all to have family close by! and good for Cash as well to see his nana often. love you guys!