Tuesday, April 19, 2011

please tell me this first part is a phase

things cashel does that drive me a little bit nuts:

1.  always, always, always takes his shoes and socks off in the car.  no matter how short the distance traveled, the shoes and socks must come off

2. pulls my hair.  gets in trouble for pulling my hair.  seems to enjoy getting into trouble so continues to pull my hair.   the same goes with hitting jason's bald head.

3. getting into his car seat - or, rather, not getting into his car seat.  he always wants to "drive" the car.  just getting into the car is a process.  just getting out of the car is a process.

4.  always having to go on a neighborhood walk when we get home.

5. vacation with a two year old is no vacation.  he always wants to go home to cashel's house.

things cashel does that makes me love him more:

1. wrap his arms around my neck and push his face against mine when we're sleeping

2. he often goes potty with out me or jason then yells out "i did it"

3. always makes us come to look at his poop

4. tells his "sisters" to hush

5. tells us daily that he needs a set of drums that make noise (the wii drums don't make noise)

6. gave jason one of his boogies the other night, then as jason was leaving jason asked for a hug.  cashel looked at jason and said "dad, you have a boogie on your finger" as though to say, why would i hug you when you have a boogie on your finger

7. he's in this mode where he always asks us if we're growing.  mama?  are you done growing?  yes, cashel.  are you?  no.  i'm still growing.  i'm growing like michael jordan.

i heart cashel


  1. hehehe. Oh the cuteness. Yes, the first parts will pass, though while you are in them it doesn't seem soon enough! Parker went through that smacking us phase, the pediatrician told us that when he did it we should not give him any attention but give loves and sympathy to the person who got smacked. lol. It worked! If I got smacked, Greg would say, oh poor mommy and give me hugs and vice a versa. It made Parker mad that he wasn't getting the attention so he stopped. genious!


I have no idea what to put here

I'm just filling up space
