Sunday, August 14, 2011

quite an imagination

i'm sure i won't do this all...i told jason today that i needed to bring out the video camera again and record him but i'm pretty sure that once the camera is out he'll retreat and not be his natural cute self - i mean - he'll be cute but not natural.

he has quite the imagination.  not new news to us, but when someone else notices it and says something it really starts to become more and more evident (at least to me).

it all really started when we were in kiawah.

cashel:  we're in the forest - how we gonna get outta here?

me (or jason): we're gonna follow the road bud

cashel:  there's a bear....and a red hole...the bear's in the hole...and there's a rabbit...

this kind of thing would go on almost every time we were in the car on the island.

now we're in la

this is what has been happening lately:

cashel: let's play a game

me or jason:  ok, how do we play

cashel:  you stand on this and do this (waving his arms in the air or something) and i'll do this and then you'll jump and we'll crash

me or jason:  ok (of course, doing a version of what he asks

he often say's "red light!" when he wants me or jason to stop walking

he often twirls his arms in our direction and says, "i tied you up" if he doesn't want us to move

we often "turn" each other into things - most often he's a shark and i'm a baby frog.  he then proceeds to chase me around the house and eat me.  never the other way around.

he often goes to a door (that he doesn't want us to walk out of) and says, "i locked it, now you can't get out"

...and yesterday takes the cake so far...we're at a park in glendale...

we're on the basketball court and this happens:

cashel:  let's play a game

jason:  ok, how do we play bud?

cashel: you go in the hoop then climb the tree and fly over there and come over here

robin:  ok...(I pretend to do all these things)

robin: ok, cashel, you're turn

cashel:  no, i'm too little


cashel: with mama

jason:  dance?

cashel:  dance with mama

jason:  ok...(he and i hold hands and dance while cashel runs away from us)

we let go

he turns around

cashel:  (yelling) dance wif mama!

so we dance

we let go as he runs away

cashel: (yelling) dance wif mama!

so we dance

you get the picture....

....who's in charge here?

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I have no idea what to put here

I'm just filling up space
