cashel has been cracking us up! and has been extra super sweet...but that's not unusual...he's always sweet. here's a little list:
the other day i was on the phone and what was cashel doing? he was spinning around in the living room, stopping just enough to catch his balance, then doing it all over again and again for about 5 minutes. the best part, he didn't seem to notice that i was watching.
when we were in kiawah and kernersville he would proclaim, everytime he saw me after i had walked back into a room, "found mama" as though i had been hiding. this super sweetness was mutliplied when i would have to let him cry it out for a few minutes. after a few minutes of letting him cry it out i would go back to console and help him get to sleep. each time he would smile and wrap his little arms around my neck and say, "found mama."
we've begun the game of hiding so that jason can find him when he gets home. i finally have him staying in place and not trying to rush out to see jason but he still squeals and makes lots of noises as jason is "looking" for him.
he's a southern boy (or at least his parents are). he says "in air" for "in there."
when jason or i are helping him get to sleep and he sees us getting up to leave the room he puts in a headlock and says "mama sit here" or "daddy sit here."
he now says loki and laska's names instead of "sisters." they are "yoki" and "saka."
i swear he talks in his sleep. he was in the bed with us/me the whole time we were away. this boy talks in his sleep and its normally something from that day. for example, the night after he played all day with addison and reagan he would say "addison", "reagan" in his sleep. here's what we've heard so far:
addison, reagan, eli, aimee, gary, train, dinner and our favorite....sandwich (which sounds like samwich)
he has an absolute fascination with trucks and helicopters and airplanes. the best part is his excitement when he sees or hears one of these. on every car ride we hear "truck"....but it comes out "truCK". reeeaaaallllyyyy enunciated. this boy treasures every syllable...especially the last one! we live in LA, land of traffic/police/emergency helicopters. we hear lots of helicopters and cashel stops what he's doing to let us know. our favorite day of the week is thursday - trash day. we get to see three trucks go by twice each. every time cashel stops what he's doing and runs....seriously...runs to the couch to watch.
i know there's more that he does that i can't remember right now and the best part is that there's more to come!