cashel just turned 19 months old! i can't believe it! so here's the latest:
1. new words/phrases: i'll fix it, where'd it go? (with hands palms up, shrugging - this game can go on an on and on and on.....), bath (baf), he really likes to enunciate such words, like dog and truck, so much that they sound like do
ck!, blankie, animals (sounds like elmos), paca (for alpaca), ostrich, ho-as (horse), off, mama (for llama), boid (bird)
2. he runs like phoebe on friends (but without the crazy arms)
3. he likes to make the sssssssssssss he has a super cute little lisp!
4. he likes to chase me and/or jason when we are getting in the shower or changing clothes and point to our hiney and say "hihey" (maybe you didn't need to know that?)
5. he sounds like bruno when he says "nice"
6. he is animal o-b-s-e-s-s-e-d! he knows them all and knows all of their favorite is when he sees a skunk he says "shew" and waves his hand in front of his nose
7. he's been making us let him fall asleep in the daybed instead of his crib - but we always move him once he's totally out
8. he gives jason "round the world kisses" - forehead, cheek, cheek, mouth - i have yet to get one of these
9. he really likes our friend matt. in fact, he often looks for him around our house...."matt?...matt?"
10. he likes to remind me that i'm
his mommy - when i'm helping out another kid at the playground he stops what he's doing, looks right at me and yells "no!"
this is just a glimpse of life with a 19 month old - what a fun life it is!