Wednesday, April 13, 2011

christmas: part 6 of ?

see this sweet face?  this is emma.  she is my beautiful, smart, athletic, funny neice.  she loves to play "would you rather" and has a strange obsession with scenarios related to dying.  for example, "would you rather be eaten alive by a snake or by a rhinoceros?" she will play this game for hours if you let her.  she even has an ipod touch app for the game. 

don't let this sweet face fool you.  she has a fierce determination to win.  to win at bowling that is. 

let me set the stage.

we went bowling while in kernersville. on a whim mimi decided to go with us.  yea!  mimi loves to bowl.  she used to be on a bowling team.  maybe she'll resume that practice....who knows.  it was me, jason, cashel, molly, emma and mimi.  we went to the infamous countryside bowling lanes establishment - still reeked of smoke although the indoor smoking ban had started almost a year before. 

cashel was, at first really excited about bowling.  he kept calling the pins "shakers."  why?  we have no clue.  after about 4 minutes the thrill was gone for him and we just wanted to wander around the bowling we took turns chasing him. 

in the meantime, we were all bowling, knocking down some shakers, having a great time....everyone except emma, that is.  she just wasn't having any luck this day.  that's how the game goes, but her confidence was shaken and we weren't sure she would ever get it back.

mimi to the rescue!  mimi took this opportunity to take emma under her wing and really help her to improve her game. 

mimi was patient, loving, caring, sharing, and in the end.....that emma!  that emma....




are you kidding me? 


that sweet little face.  those kind eyes that were empty of a spark.  she had us all worried that her rough first half would wreck her for life. 

we were all just putty in her hands....

1 comment:

I have no idea what to put here

I'm just filling up space
