Tuesday, January 17, 2012

happy new year!

i was reading a blog of a friend of mine, heather's, and she has written that she just didn't feel like blogging this year.  once i read that i felt a lot better about not having posted in quite a while.  and i noticed that for 2011, i posted 45 times versus 56 times for 2010 and 35 times for 2009.  quality, not quantity.  that's my story and i'm sticking to it. 

the fall was simply exhausting.  i knew that it would be.  i took on a new role last year as vice president of my local mom's club.  our cabinet wields lots of power.  watch out.  don't mess with us. 

no, really, we do great charity work but what really got me was that i was in charge of this event called the preschool forum.  it's an event held at a local coop nursery school on a sunday, where local families can come and find out about preschool options in our area. 

the fall is always busy and quick, but this year was crazy.  luckily i realized this back in the summer and was prepared for it as much as possible.  get this, mine and jason's anniversary is on november 5th, grades for me ended the 4th, grades and comments were due november 8th, cashel's birthday is november 10th, the preschool forum was november 13th.  yikes!  so when did we have his party (which i still haven't posted about)? november 5th - on our anniversary!  yep!  it was great.  really.  i'll post about it once i really get my posting mojo back - i'm running on fumes here about to fall asleep but am determined to post something tonight. 

so, i'm not really trying to complain here, just trying to keep it real.  there are not enough hours in the day.  so, to make myself feel better - enjoy this random smattering of pictures from the fall.  they are in no particular order.  i'll get some fresh (albeit posted-very-late) stuff up soon.
look at flash.  so stoic and ready for battle with evil.

 i did not eat a powdered donut.

 just two boys climbing a tree.

 the tongue!

 do you see what he's touching?  the famous freckle.

 watching for bears in nana's neighborhood on thanksgiving day.

 miss clara - she has convinced cashel that his full name is cashmoney barnes.

 hanging out at poly.

 with mama at poly.

what a cutie pie!

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