Monday, February 13, 2012

more storytime

we went to the rose bowl flea market yesterday.  it's the second sunday of every month and it's huge. 

huge, i say.


it's huge.

anyhoo.  we got there before 9am (it's seriously so huge you've gotta get there early).  we were successful in obtaining an end table for our new couches (pic to come when pigs fly).

but on the way here's what our storyteller told us:

cashel:  mama/dada (his new word for daddy lately).  you missed me.

me and jason: we did?

cashel:  yeeyah. (he says it like that sometimes).  i was in the woods and i was a superhero and i fought off the bears and the wolves with a stick.  and i was in the woods and i fought off the bears with the wolves and the wolves with the bears and i had a stick and that's what happened and you missed me. 

us:  really?

cashel:  yeeyah. 

us:  wow.  that's brave.

the best part is the look on his face. 

he scrunches up his nose on one side only and raises his eyebrows and is looking out the window when he says all of this. 

one day i hope to get a good picture of this face. 

but my camera isn't fast enough.  and i'm not fast enough.

until then.

just imagine.

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