Monday, February 13, 2012


cashel is quite the story teller.  he certainly doesn't get that from me.  he's not that into legos or building blocks or puzzles (yet).  i know that these things may still come.  he's not that into drawing or painting for more than about 30 seconds and most of that is just wanting to watch.  what he is into is pretend play.  a tone of pretend play.  and story telling.  mostly listening to other people (i.e. me before bed, telling him a story).  i've been able to circumvent this a bit - it's, quite honestly, exhausting for me.  let me give you a good example of why it's exhausting:

cashel: (on the way home from school one day, we're almost home, and Jeilani (our neighbor who rides with us - she's in 6th grade) is in the car) mama, tell me a story

me: ok.  who's in this story (this makes story telling much easier for me)

cashel: a stoplight

me:  ok. "once upon a time there was a stoplight.  and in the town where the stoplight lived there was a boy.."

cashel:   no mama!  there are no people in this story!

me:  um...ok cashel.  "once upon a time there was a stoplight.  and in the town where the stoplight lived there was a bear.."

cashel:   no mama!  there are no animals in this story!

me:  um.  yikes.  ok.  so, i'm not sure what i'm supposed to do in this story (luckily, we're almost home)

jeilani:  (laughing)

me:  ok.  "once upon a time..."  yey!  we're home!

thank goodness.

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I have no idea what to put here

I'm just filling up space
