Friday, May 11, 2012

"you sure can run fast in those pants!"

that's what jane said.

allow me to explain.

we were at the pirate ship park yesterday with cashel's friend, brendan. 

after 15 minutes or so of cashel poking at a tree to try to catch ants, he proclaimed, "they're too fast!"

both boys then raced each other on their scooters until cashel started to help brendan 'stop' on his scooter by placing a stick as the finish line.  it makes no sense, i know.  but this game went on for a while.  both boys taking turns until it turned ugly and fingers were smashed with the stick and the moms had to intervene, saying, "no more sticks boys"....go run.

well, cashel went into his bag for no good reason and put some spiderman underwear on his head.  this made brendan cackle.  out of the blue cashel got a nose bleed.  i had to use the underwear to clean him up.  cashel proceeded to rummage around in his bag and insisted on changing his pants.  he had on grey shorts and wanted to put on black and white "soccer" shorts.  done.

well....brendan was pretty upset that he didn't have any soccer pants to change in to so cashel said, "i'll share!"

for once, it would have been nice for cashel not to share.  for the next 15 minutes the boys negotiated sharing cashel's pants.  brendan refused to race cashel because he didn't have on running shorts.  we came to the conclusion that it wasn't the pants that mattered so much as the shoes.  he had on the right shoes for running. 

i told the boys that i would say "1,2,3, go!" and they could race. 

cashel got to the starting line (a crack on the sidewalk) and was ready.

brendan sat down on a rock and refused to race because he didn't have on the right pants for the job.  so brendan's little sister raced cashel instead. 

on a side note, cashel has a great run.  he really gets into it but keeps looking back at the person he's racing.  one of these days he's going to run into something.

back to the story.

cashel decides that brendan can wear his soccer pants so he takes them off, puts his grey shorts back on, while brendan puts on cashel's pants.  one note here, brendan is a couple of months older than cashel, and he is much bigger than cashel.  the shorts were a 2t.  his mom said they looked like biker shorts.  oh yeah, less than half way through this situation his mom said "i'm going to chase your sister.  i'm done with this conversation."  i couldn't blame her.  i told the boys that we had to leave in 20 minutes but if they wanted to spend their park time changing clothes they just needed to know that we would be leaving soon.  there was no way around it - they were determined to share these pants.

here is a picture of brendan and cashel with brendan in cashel's pants:
once brendan got those short on they raced and brendan's mom yelled, "you sure can run fast in those pants!" and brendan yelled, "yeah, i can!"

soon after they changed pants again!

then we had to leave the park.  mayhem ensued.  there were temper tantrums.  there was yelling.  brendan's sister was cool as a cucumber the whole time.  it's as though she knew how silly they both were being and said, "i'm outta here boys" as she scooted off on a scooter. 

silly boys.

1 comment:

I have no idea what to put here

I'm just filling up space
