it was great...
did you notice the burned pizza? lloyd did that.
did you see me and my high school friend ashley? she hasn't changed one bit!
we went to a museum; we went to a reunion.
we played in the backyard. cashel showered in the backyard.
hurricane cashel hit the living room every day.
i was visited by my bff and her boyfriend.
we had a lovely lunch while mimi and papa watched cashel (aka - gave him all the sugar he wanted).
she's funny and smart and beautiful.
she's and he are also very weird.
we waited 100 degree 8:30am weather...for the 4th of july parade to begin

it finally began.
yes...there is a town close to my hometown called horneytown.

this is the old car section.
this is the tractor section.
this is the candy section! look at all he got!
we traveled to raleigh to see some old friends for a 4th of july cookout.
it was great seeing old friends and seeing our kids play together.

i do think it's safe to say that the highlight of the trip was going to tweetsie railroad.
cashel isn't much into trains and cars like some little boys but he is really into riding rides.
tweetsie is like a huge carnival.
we unexpectedly spent most of the day with an old college friend of mine, nicole and her husband and son, brodie.
cashel crashed on our way to dinner.
his favorite ride was, no doubt, the tweetsie twister.
we rode it three times.
just look at his face.
pure happiness.
his favorite phrase?
let's squish mimi!
we had a great time.
in the last two days we went to feed the ducks.
it also became one of our favorite things to do.
it's so serene back there (behind the neighborhood)
i wished we could have stayed longer and i know cashel does too.
he often asks to go visit mimi and papa now.
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