Wednesday, January 9, 2013


you are strong-minded and intelligent. you are actively creative and dynamic. your quick wit is apparent from the get-go. your intelligence doesn't come from pure academics--you work from your gut instincts, which more often than not steer you on the right course. your enthusiasm is strong, but you can also be quick to tire of one particular thing. although you are independent and rather willful, you won't disregard others' wisdom. because you have many talents and interests, you can easily stray from your path. your biggest challenge in life is to stay focused.

this is the horoscope for someone born on november 10....cashel's birthday.

he has the "quick wit" part down.

exhibit a: (last night at dinner - just he and i)

me: cashel, don't you love spaghetti?

cashel: (getting out of his chair) you know what i love mommy?

me: what cashel?

cashel: (walks over with a sly smile and gives me a hug then sits back down)

me: oh, that was so sweet!  i love that!

cashel:  mommy? do you know what i love?

me: what cashel?

cashel: (walks over with a sly smile and gives me a hug then sits back down)

me:  wow.  that's really sweet.

cashel:  mommy? do you know what's sweet?

me: what cashel? (i know what's coming)

cashel: (yet another hug and a sly smile)

he knows this is gold.

later that night when wrestling with daddy he stops wrestling and, without saying a word, gives his dad a big hug, then resumes wrestling.

love that kid.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww....! I *told* you 4 years old is a great age! Thanks for sharing these moments...


I have no idea what to put here

I'm just filling up space
