Friday, March 27, 2009

The Future of America

I'm working for two weeks and am the end of the first - yahoo! It's funny...I've had more than one student say to me, "So, Mrs. Barnes, I heard you're retiring to California."

Also, my 7th period thought that Jason is a musician. I said, "No, I've heard him sing."

Ilana said to me yesterday, "Mrs. Barnes - you're skinnier now that before you left." I looked at her a cocked my head and said, "Yes, Ilana. I was pregnant."

Ahh...the future of America.

I'll miss you Teaneck.

1 comment:

  1. Robin, I love the blog. I'll hit you up for tips when I start mine!
    Love you.


I have no idea what to put here

I'm just filling up space
