Thursday, March 18, 2010

my weekend

it's true what they say...parenthood changes you. i almost can't remember what it is like to sleep in, spend time in the bathroom alone, read a book, go to a movie, catch up on dvr shows (i've actually deleted many programs lately), exercise, sleep through the night (i still get up at least once a night just to make sure cash is covered up), just get the picture. jason was working hard on a job that happened to take him to shreveport, louisana, for part of december and january. being a full time working single mom for that time made me, ok, i'll say it, crazy. i did my best but it was hard. cash had two double ear infections during the time jason was away and i was also sick. oh, how i love my husband and how cash loves his daddy so boy oh boy, was it hard! we did it as an experiment - we won't do it again.

an-y-hoo.....that is really just the background for this post. this post is about my wonderful valentine's day/birthday present that jason set up for me. he got me a hotel room for one night in.....pasadena! ok - so pasadena is where i work and is only 20 minutes from where i live but it was perfect! it was the first night i had spent away from cash since he was born. yes....i missed him and i missed jason but i loved the me time!

i stayed at the hyatt hotel close to shops and restaurants. i parked at my school and rode over one of my school's orange bikes (my school provides bikes for our use - we're only supposed to ride them between schools and the parking deck so if someone from my school is reading this i am totally busted!). i saw avatar, walked around the shops, ordered a pizza to my hotel room, worked on cash's baby book, watched tv, took a loooooonnnnggggg shower, slept in (until 6:45 - ha!), saw another movie, then came home refreshed!

it was wonderful. i would totally do it again. here's some pictures of my adventure.

thanks sweetie - i love you!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it! nice orange bike. how come those don't get stolen? BTW, I commented on your post about Sue moving to CA and now it's not there! I hate being computer un-savvy!


I have no idea what to put here

I'm just filling up space
