Wednesday, March 3, 2010

something to tide you over

i'm working on a post called "what i've learned" but quite frankly at 9:02 pm on this wednesday night i'm pooped and have done the following:

1. changed my background to something fresh and springy
2. changed the two side pictures
3. realized how hard it was to change the two side picture because, as cute as that little boy is we have no really cute picture of US together (me/cash, me/jason, me/cash/jason) - he's really hard to get good pics of these days - he runs towards the camera as soon as he sees it to play with it and any other attempts seem to get him frowning or making a weird face - we need better pictures - i told jason that tonight

after all that i don't feel like i've learned enough to be able to post what i've learned so i'll hold off on posting that one until i at least remember 10 things i've learned - i only have two at the moment and am sure i've learned more than i can write but can't remember a darn thing at the moment

until then enjoy the following silly pictures


I have no idea what to put here

I'm just filling up space
